David Miller Biography (1909-)

Born November 28, 1909, in Paterson, NJ; son of Samuel Michael (an importer)and Yetta Brondel (Leizerovitz) Miller; married Francis Raeburn (divorced); married Sara Manney; children: Jeffrey, Jessica. Addresses: OFFICE--1843 Thayer Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90025.

According to Miller's official biography, he began his long career in motionpictures as a messenger for National Screen Service in New York, then becamea writer of "catch lines" for trailers. His Hollywood work began in the editing room as an assistant at Columbia Pictures, moving on to full-fledged editor with Walter Futter Productions. In 1933 he moved to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer asa short subjects editor.

His film Seeds of Destiny is the only film to win an Academy Award without having a commercial theatrical release. Since 1946 it has been shown extensively on a non-theatrical basis and has helped raise $300 million for the UnitedNations Relief and Rehabilitation Agency.

Birth Details
November 28, 1909
Paterson, New Jersey, United States

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