Terence Young Biography (1915-1994)

Born June 20, 1915, in Shaghai, China; died of a heart attack, September 7, 1994, in Cannes, France. Director and screenwriter. Young is most noted for directing three popular James Bond films-- starring actor Sean Connery--in the1960s: Dr. No, From Russia with Love, and Thunderball. Young was educated atCambridge University, where he became interested in film criticism and screenwriting. The Fugitive, his first screenplay, cowritten with Brian Desmond Hurst and Patrick Kirwan, was released by Universal in 1940. Other screenplays followed, including They Were Not Divided, and Young both wrote and served asdirector of Valley of Eagles, The Christmas Tree, and Mayerling, which was cowritten and codirected with Dennis Cannan and Joseph Kessel. Young's writingcareer was interrupted by World War II, in which he served as a major in theGuards Armoured Division of the British Army. Young began his career in filmmaking after the war as an assistant to directors Jacques Feyder, Alexander Korda, Josef von Sternberg, and King Vidor. In addition to his work on the James Bond features, Young directed many other films, including One Night with You, Storm over the Nile, The Amorous Adventures of Moll Flanders, Bloodline, and Inchon.

director, screenwriter
Birth Details
June 20, 1915
Shanghai, China
Death Details
September 7, 1994
Cannes, France

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