Rick Nelson Biography (1940-1985)

Full name, Eric Hilliard Nelson; born May 8, 1940, in Teaneck, NJ; died in anairplane crash in Texas, December 31, 1985; son of Ozzie (a bandleader, singer, and actor) and Harriet (a singer and actress; maiden name, Hilliard) Nelson; married Kristin Harmon in 1963 (divorced); children: Tracy, Eric and Matthew (twins), Gunnar.

Rick Nelson made many concert appearances in his singing career, including anhistoric Madison Square Garden appearance in 1972, at which he sang his newmaterial when his audience wanted to hear his earlier work. The song "GardenParty" is about that concert. His musical career embraced a variety of stylesincluding hard rock and country-style music. When his airplane crashed on New Year's Eve, 1985, it killed him, his fiancee, Helen Blair, and members of Rick Nelson's Stone Canyon Band. He was the younger brother of actor- directorDavid Nelson.

Birth Details
May 8, 1940
Teaneck, New Jersey, United States
Death Details
December 31, 1985
Texas, United States

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