Rodney Dangerfield Biography (1922?-)

Original name, Jacob Cohen; name legally changed to Rodney Dangerfield; bornNovember 22, 1922 (some sources cite 1921), in Babylon, NY; married Joyce Indig (a singer), 1949 (divorced, 1961); married Joan Child (an owner of a floral business), December 26, 1993; children: (first marriage) Brian, Melanie. Addresses: Office: Dangerfield's, 1118 First Ave., New York, NY.; Agent:Harry Gold, Gold Liedtke Associates, 3500 West Olive Ave., Suite 1400, Burbank, CA 91505; (voice work) Cunningham/Escott/Dipene and Associates, 10635 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 140, Los Angeles, CA 90025.

Comedian, actor, writer, producer
Birth Details
November 22, 1922?
Babylon, New York, United States

Famous Works

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