James Villiers Biography (1933-1998)

Born September 29, 1933, in London, England; died of cancer, January 18, 1998. Actor.

Villiers is remembered for his roles on both the stage and on film and television screens. As noted in the London Times, "he was one of those instantly recognisable characters who decorate the margins of British plays and films, without ever quite taking centre stage. . . . He was perfect for a variety of roles, usually dislikeable." Villiers made his stage debut in 1953 in Ten Little Niggers and his Broadway debut in Richard II in 1956.Throughout his career, he appeared in productions such as Julius Caesar, The Making of Moo, Trolius and Cressida, Tomorrow with Pictures, Write Me a Murder, The Happy Apple, The Doctor's Dilemma, The Madness of King George III, and Peter Pan. Villiers made a few pictures as well, including Carry on Sergeant, Repulsion, Half a Sixpence, The Ruling Class, Under the Volcano, Mountains of the Moon, and King and Country. He hadroles in television productions as well. Included were performances in Pygmalion, The Sword of Honour, A Dance to the Music of Time,and The First Churchills.

Birth Details
September 29, 1933
London, England

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