Mickey Rooney Biography (1920-)

Original name, Joseph "Joe" Yule, Jr.; name legally changed, 1932; born September 23, 1920, in Brooklyn, New York, NY; son of Joe (a vaudeville performer)and Nell (a vaudeville performer; maiden name, Carter) Yule; married Ava Gardner (an actress), January 10, 1942 (some sources cite 1941; divorced May 21,1943); married Betty Jane Rase, September 30, 1944 (divorced June 3, 1949);married Martha Vickers (an actress), June 3, 1949 (divorced September 25, 1951); married Elaine Mahnken (some sources cite Elaine Devry; an actress), 1952(divorced May 18, 1958); married Barbara Ann Thomason (some sources spell surname Thompson), December 1, 1958 (died January 3, 1966); married Margie Lane, September 10, 1966 (divorced 1967); married Carolyn Hockett, 1969 (divorced1974); married Janice Darlene "Jan" Chamberlain (a singer, songwriter, and actress), July 28, 1978; children: (second marriage) Mickey Rooney, Jr. (an actor and musician; also known as Joseph Yule III), Timothy "Tim" (an actor); (third marriage) Theodore "Teddy" (an actor); (fifth marriage) Kelly Ann, Kerry Yule, Michael Joseph Kyle, Kimmy Sue; (seventh marriage) Jimmy, Jonelle; stepchildren: (eighth marriage) Christopher Aber (an actor), Mark Aber (a musician). Addresses: Agent: Robert Malcolm, The Artists Group, Ltd., 2049Century Park East, Suite 4060, Los Angeles, CA 90067.

Birth Details
September 23, 1920
New York, New York, United States

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